API Explorer Function

API Explorer

The API Explorer offers a comprehensive view of your API’s capabilities, accelerating the development of custom applications and future-proof solutions for businesses.

  • Interactive Guide

  • Partnerships

  • Development Times

  • Domain Data Model

Explore your APIs, made simple!

Discover interfaces, interact with them, and create tailored applications for a smart future.

Discover API Resources

API Resources

Discover the API resources and learn how existing functions can be used to establish new services. The resources are designed interactively and provide all the relevant information you and your developers need.

  • API Functions

  • API Request

  • API Responses

  • API Business Objects

Integrated API Console

API Console

Through the integrated API console, you have direct access to the API. This feature facilitates API users in interacting with the API, analyzing, providing feedback, and submitting data.

  • API Try Out

  • Direct Access

  • Data Analysis

  • Authentication

Visualized Business Types

API Business Types

Business types defined in the API specification are visually represented. This allows the parameters and data models of the API endpoints to be securely identified.

  • Data Model

  • Attributes

  • Parameters

Ready for the interactive API Explorer?

Test and use all features: Use the trial period to try out all the functions and get to know the product as well as possible.
No obligations during the test: There are no obligations or costs during your test phase.